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How to create a YouTube channel or YouTube Channel Creation & Upload

How to create a YouTube channel or YouTube Channel Creation & Upload
Nishan Waiba

Creating a YouTube channel and uploading videos is a multi-step process that involves planning, creating content, and optimizing your channel for growth. In this guide, I will walk you through the process, step by step. Please note that the instructions provided here are based on the information available up until September 2021, and some details may have changed since then. Let's get started!

How to create a YouTube channel or YouTube Channel Creation & Upload

Planning and Research

Before you dive into creating a YouTube channel, it's essential to have a clear plan in mind. Consider the following aspects:

Identify your niche: Determine the topic or theme for your channel. Choose something you're passionate about and have knowledge or expertise in.

Define your target audience: Consider who your videos will appeal to. Understanding your audience will help you tailor your content to their interests.

Conduct keyword research: Look for popular keywords and topics related to your niche. This will help you optimize your video titles, descriptions, and tags for better discoverability.

How to create a YouTube channel or YouTube Channel Creation & Upload

Creating a Google Account

Since YouTube is owned by Google, you'll need a Google account to create a YouTube channel. If you already have a Google account, you can skip this step. If not, go to and click on "Create account" to sign up for a new Google account.

Creating Your YouTube Channel

Visit and sign in with your Google account.

Click on the user icon in the top-right corner and select "Create a channel" from the dropdown menu.

Choose a channel name that reflects your content or personal brand. You can also use your existing Google account name.

Customize your channel art and profile picture to make your channel visually appealing and recognizable.

Setting Up Your Channel

Click on the "Customize Channel" button to access your channel's settings.

Add a channel description: Write a compelling description that clearly explains what your channel is about.

Add social media links: Include links to your website, blog, or other social media platforms to help viewers connect with you outside of YouTube.

Enable channel trailer: Create a short video introducing your channel and its content. This will play automatically for new visitors to your channel.

Uploading Videos

Click on the camera icon with a plus sign (+) in the top-right corner of the YouTube homepage.

Select "Upload video" from the dropdown menu.

Choose the video file from your computer that you want to upload.

While the video is uploading, add a title, description, and tags. Be sure to optimize these elements using relevant keywords to improve search visibility.

Set the visibility and audience settings for your video.

Choose a thumbnail: YouTube provides automatically generated thumbnails, but you can also upload a custom one.

Add cards and end screens: These are interactive elements that can link to other videos, playlists, or external websites to engage your viewers further.

Select appropriate categories and language for your video.

Set the monetization preferences for your videos, including ad formats and monetization eligibility.

Optimizing Your Videos

How to create a YouTube channel or YouTube Channel Creation & Upload

Create engaging titles: Craft titles that are descriptive, keyword-rich, and attention-grabbing to attract viewers.

Write compelling descriptions: Use your main keywords in the first few sentences and provide a detailed overview of the video's content.

Utilize tags effectively: Add relevant tags to help YouTube understand the context of your video and improve its discoverability.

Create eye-catching thumbnails: Use high-quality, custom thumbnails that accurately represent your video's content and pique viewers' interest.

Add closed captions: Providing captions improves accessibility and can also help with search engine optimization

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